979: The number of pictures Nora and I took.
877: The number of sporchi touristi we dodged each day.
609: The number of Euros those dollars turned into.
120: The number of hours I should have slept during my visit.
90: The average temperature, in Fahrenheit.
83: The number of glass necklaces I wanted to buy.
75: The number of hours I actually did sleep during my visit.
73: The number of times I said, "Mmmmmmm" while eating or drinking.
43: The number of women we would have "given the paper" to, had we been in charge.
32.22222: The average temperature, in Celsius.
23: The number of spritzes Nora and I had. Okay, I'm guessing.
22: The number of church bells ringing at 6:00 each day. Okay, I'm still guessing.
18: The number of embarrassing things Nora made me do because it "would be good" for me. Yup. Still guessing.
17: The number of pictures Nora took of beautiful flowers close up or hanging from a window ledge.
15: The number of times Nora complained in Italian to a shopkeeper about how I could never make up my mind ( I might be exaggerating this one).
14: The number of times Nora quizzed me about which direction the boat we were waiting for should be pointing, or what stop we wanted.
12: The number of times I allowed the Bialetti coffee maker to overflow onto the stovetop.
11: The number of times I answered a quiz question incorrectly.
10: The average number of times I woke up during the night because it was too quiet.
9: The hour at which the neighbors start closing their shutters against the scary night air. Even when it's 93 degrees. Or almost 34 degrees Celsius.
8: The number of pictures we took of clocks.
7: The average number of times in a night that winged insects dive-bombed my ear, waking me up from a semi-sound sleep.
6: The number of Venetian/Murano glass necklaces I returned with.
5: The number of Nora's family I saw who I knew by name.
3: The number of "meats of death" I ate on a regular basis: speck, sopressa and mortadella.
3: The number of dresses I had, thank goodness!
3: The number of phrases coined during this trip.
2: The number of times I was dressed inappropriately and therefore "given the paper" or "given the scarf."
2: The number of gerbils I met, the appropriately named Thunder and Lightning, who were both very noisy and bright.
1: Number of rings and balsamic vinegar I lost.
0: The number of gondolas I rode on.
This made me smile and twitch (that's how you know I am sad)at the same time.
I will miss your blaaaaaagh because, while it was still opus imperfecta, it seemed like you were still in the kitchen, and we were waiting for spritz time.
It has been a visit neither of us will forget. Being Virgil was a lot of fun.
PS The numbers of sporchi turisti who should be given the paper has increased exponentially.
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